Archive for the 'David DeAngelo' Category

3 Major Mistakes To Avoid On A Date


Hello, I am reading your book now and it’s great, the cocky guy thing is working 100%. I actually got 5 #’s in 4 days! WOW :) Thanks! My Q is, I met a girl online, she gave me her #, I called her we met, got dinner, drinks, then made out! Cool stuff! She says she is having the greatest time, blah blah blah. When I kissed her, and made out a little, she then says, slow down its the first date. I felt bad for going on so fast. So I said sorry. When we went home (2 different directions) everything was cool, (looked like it at least) I said, “ok, thanks, great time blah blah” then i said “You want me to call u or u gonna call me?”

She goes “I’ll call u, u call me its all good” SO it ended good, (i think) NOW, Should I CALL HER the next day or not?

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4 Tips For Keeping A Woman's Attention



I’m considering investing in your program, but I have a question for you before I do. Essentially, I’m no longer looking to hook up with women left and right. In fact, I think I’ve met “the one,” but I’m having trouble making her realize this. I’ve been pursuing her for about five months (during part of which time she was away at school, but we kept in regular contact, at first through e-mail and, later, over the phone), and I get the sense that she’s very guarded about relationships. She’s *very* goal oriented (which is one of the
many things I love about her, BTW), and therefore very busy, and – I suspect – she’s been burned in the past, relationship wise.

At any rate, on a couple of occasions, it felt to me as if things were moving forward, and then she backpedaled; perhaps she “got spooked,” and took a big step back to protect herself. Most recently, we were out for the first time since she finished school, and – insofar as I was able to determine, I was getting the green light all night: at a movie, I slipped my arm around her and she leaned in, resting her head on my shoulder; later, we were at a club for a band, and when we were ready to leave, she reached across the table and held my hand for a while; on the way back to the car, it was pretty chilly, and when she complained about the chill, I stepped over and hugged her.

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The Personality Type That Attracts Women

I get a lot of emails from guys who read my newsletter that say things like…

“I’m sure what you’re saying is right, but I don’t want to be a jerk or an a**hole to women…”


“I have seen what you’re talking about happen all my life, but I’m a ‘nice guy’ and I want women to like me for me…”


“This doesn’t make sense…”

For most of my life, I was THE nice guy of nice guys. As a matter of fact, when I first made the decision to learn how to be successful with women, this actually created an OBSTACLE for me.

Let me explain…

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Why You Should Not Compliment A Woman

This time I’m going to include an email that I got from a WOMAN. Now, I get a lot of email from female readers, and I include a lot of it in my “Mailbags”… but this particular email just stuck out, and I think that we can all learn something important from it.

Keep reading, because this gets interesting…COMPLIMENTS OR NO COMPLIMENTS?

To compliment or not to compliment… that is the question.

Women tell us they want us to compliment them.

Your mom told you to be nice to girls, right?

And we guys like to really “turn up” the Compliments when we LIKE a woman…

But here’s the question:

Do compliments create ATTRACTION when you first meet a woman?

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Friendly Nice Guys And SEXY Bad Boys

This week I’m going to do something a little bit unusual…

First, I’m going to ask you to consider something, then I’m going to give you some homework.

This week is all about ACTION!

Here’s the thing I want you to consider first:

I was reading an article on AOL titled “What’s Wrong With Nice Guys?”… here’s a little quote from the article:

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