Archive for the 'David DeAngelo' Category

Tips To Getting A Girlfriend Fast


David, you have helped me a lot so far, and I feel like I am somewhat of a different person now compared to before by reading your dating tips etc. I met a girl not too long ago, she is a couple hours away from me, and I put to work a lot of what you had said since talking to her online, and during my meeting with her, and it all went very well. We spent two awesome nights together, and I gave her a ride up to the city on my way home, and the whole time she was playing with my hair and holding my hand. I was sad to say bye, and I tried keeping my composure saying bye to her and since when we have talked on the net, and I have tried “leaning back” more…it is hard.

I even have been trying to talk to and meet other women (I might have another fun day tomorrow lol) but all the same, I like this one in particular, and I am unsure of how to bring up and try and head towards a relationship with her (at least talking with her about it) without starting to look like a wuss. I know from experience that once the wuss factor kicks in I can kiss any chance goodbye and will just be a LJBF for the girl.

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How To Impress ANY Woman

I’ve learned a secret to impressing women that I’m going to share with you in this newsletter.

It’s a secret that probably not 1 in 1,000 men knows or will ever figure out on his own.

The REASON that most men will never figure out this particular secret is that it’s TOO OBVIOUS.

Let me explain…

I personally think that most men feel a very powerful desire to IMPRESS women.

If you watch the way a man behaves when he’s talking to a woman he’s just met or a woman that he’s on a first date with, you can SEE IT.

Maybe you’ve been there yourself.

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Using Cocky and Funny To Make Women Addicted To You

When most guys try to be `funny’ with a woman they end up coming across as goofy or dorky. Not good. To find out the right way to use humor to make her feel attracted – or even ADDICTED – to you, read on..

***A Cocky/Funny Success Story That Will Blow You Away***

Hi David,

Just a note, I’m a believer in what you preach. I read several of your E-mails and found them interesting enough to buy your book and interview series. I’m 51 average looking and 50 lbs over weight.

I started using the C-F routines to meet and surround myself with women, gradually gaining more quantity and better looking as I went. I eventually got to where I seldom hung around my guy friends cause it was so much fun busting and flirting with all the girls. I would have guys ask me if I was rich since I would be dancing with groups of women or have 1 under each arm when out at the bar.

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Super Charge Your Confidence With Women

In a moment, I’m going to share how you can have rock-solid confidence with any woman you meet… in ANY situation…

But first, let me ask you…

Have you ever SCREWED UP an important situation with a woman?

Have you ever been talking to a woman you felt attracted to, and gotten so nervous and uptight that you fumbled over your words… and she just got bad vibrations from you and walked away?

Have you ever been in a relationship with a wonderful woman, and became emotionally insecure or dependent on her for YOUR own feeling of well-being… to the point where you literally drove her away?

Have you ever seen a woman that you wanted to start a conversation with… but your emotions started to go CRAZY at even the THOUGHT of approaching her… and you just decided that it would be easier to walk away than try to overcome your fear?

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Attracting Women, No Money Required


Hey Dave !!

I just wanted to drop you a line to tell you that your dating material is AMAZING! Your ebook and your free dating tips are fantastic, and your advanced dating techniques program is worth more than gold. I went from being the nerdy wuss bag on campus that everyone made fun of to the guy dating the hottest chicks. I feel the power man, Thanks!

Last week, I went up to one of the hottest chicks on campus who was in the library, a 10 on every guy’s scale, and took her to coffee in less than 5 minutes of conversation (never imagined this was possible before).

During coffee, I treated her like my bratty little sister, didn’t act interested while at the same time teased her about her looks and everything, let’s just say that she started getting all touchy and asking personal question by the end of the encounter. Now, I see all the guys becoming jealous from me, and I’m getting increasing amount of attention from all sorts of girls. Hahaha. I read your book several times over and I’m applying all your techniques, needless to say they all work like a charm.

Finally, I just want your perspective on this situation. Last night, I approached a hot girl, about an 8, on campus who’s very popular. Let’s just say I was overconfident and lost my frame of reference and things didn’t go to well, in fact I looked like a loser and I was talking a about a bunch of bs. Now my concern is she’ll probably tell all her friends, and since I see them everyday, it’s gonna be weird. What can I guy do in this situation to save his rep? Are there any rules that need to be followed in a campus environment ? The good thing however was I didn’t feel rejection, I knew it was my approach and nothing personal. Thanks for everything.

You Da Man!!

B who needs more practice – T.O


You’ve brought up some great points, and an excellent question, too…

First of all, great job with the first girl.

You didn’t let her looks turn you into a wuss, you busted her balls, and you demonstrated that you were in control of the situation… and of yourself.

You took what I teach and APPLIED it, and your results show that.


With the second girl, you did something POWERFUL that 95% of guys don’t do.

When you had a little setback, rather than taking it personally, you chalked it up to using the wrong “approach.”

Most guys in this situation would have said to themselves, “See, I knew I was a loser. I just got lucky with the first girl. I knew this stuff wouldn’t work. Nothing will help me…”

But you didn’t.


Yes, you got overconfident and lost focus.

No biggie.

You know where you made your mistake, and I’m sure with the next woman you’ll do things differently.

Now, as far as the second girl telling her friends about how you approached her and making it “weird” for you at school, all I have to say is…

It’s all in your head.

Play it off like it was no big deal to YOU, and it won’t be a big deal to THEM.

You can’t control what they talk about, and really, it’s none of your business.

The most important thing is to get the lesson, and that’s what you already did.

Forget about worrying what she says to her friends, or what they think of you.

Remember the idea of “Internal Focus Of Control” I share in my Advanced Dating Program?

Focus on what YOU can control, not on THEM, and you’ll continue to attract a ton of women… and high quality ones, too.

It took me YEARS to figure out and unlock the “program” women have that tells them who to be attracted to, and who to be REPELLED by.

For a long time, I was great at hitting a woman’s “don’t-date-this-needy-loser-in-a-million-years”

Not good.

So I read every book on the topic that I could get my hands on… and I went to seminars.

Some things worked… some of the time.

But my results were inconsistent at best.

But then – I had a BREAKTHROUGH.

It happened when I started hanging out with guys who were MASTERS at meeting women and building attraction.

What these guys were doing didn’t make sense…but they were always surrounded by beautiful women.

So I knew that whatever they were doing – no matter how illogical it seemed to be – WORKED.

I convinced them to share with me how they approached the whole idea of “women and dating.”

They gave me “coaching” on how I was communicating with women (at the beginning, they gave me a LOT of coaching. I needed to re-tool everything I was doing.)

But then things started to click for me.

Situations I would normally blow… like approaching an attractive woman for the first time… became situations where I got a number and a date.

The kinds of girls who I’d NEVER get a second date with…became girls I’d see over and over again… and some became long-term girlfriends.

Over the next several years I continued to refine my approach, journal my learnings, and take my skills to a level where some of my old coaches began looking to ME for advice.

That’s when I knew it was time to share what I had learned with the world.

The amount of money you spend on a date has NOTHING to do with the level of attraction a woman feels for you.

Don’t get me wrong – if you’re a gazillionaire and you’re with a woman who is strictly looking for a sugar daddy, and you whisk her off on your private jet to Paris and lavish her with expensive jewelry… sure, she’s going to go out with you again.

But that’s an extreme case.

What’s more common is this:

You meet a woman you like, and you feel pressure to buy her flowers, take her to a nice restaurant, buy drinks…and you end up spending more money than you should have.

Worse yet, at the end of the date, you have that sinking feeling in your stomach that she’s just not into you….

Then you realize:

The money you spent made NO DIFFERENCE.

A much better strategy is to get an education on what it takes to make a woman feel a gut-level attraction to you… NO EXPENSIVE DATES REQUIRED.

If you’d like to take your education with women and dating to the next level, and have the kind of success that you’ve always wanted, then go check out some great free samples of the eBook located here:

Free Newsletter And Download eBook

Talk soon,

David DeAngelo

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